Metal-acrylic crowns

Metal-acrylic crowns in dentistry are most often used as temporary crowns for basal implantation, as well as for All-on-6 technology implantation. However, some patients choose them as permanent crowns. The frame of the temporary plastic crown is made of metal, covered with a special material called acrylic.

Metal-acrylic crowns have several disadvantages:

  • High wear rate. Plastic is a porous material. It is not durable and eventually wears off, revealing a metal base.
  • The porous surface quite quickly becomes coated with deposits.
  • The temporary crown absorbs food coloring. Therefore, the aesthetics of your smile is affected.

The advantages include the affordability of the product, short manufacturing time, the lightweight of the crown. That is why they are used as temporary crowns at implantation, since they do not exert additional pressure on the implant, allowing it to engraft normally.

The cost of manufacturing and installing a metal-acrylic crown in Belarus in the dental clinic Stomika is € 25.

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