Dental implantation

What is dental implantation?

Dental implantation is an innovative, rapidly gaining popularity around the world technique of non-removable dental prosthetics. You can restore either a single lost tooth, or a series of teeth. Dental implant installation is a painless procedure, performed under local anesthesia. Dental implants are mounted once and for life, provided that they are installed in a certified clinic where high-quality materials are used and highly qualified experts are working.

Dental implantation in Stomika

«Stomika» is one of the first dental clinics in Belarus which started the practice of dental implantation as an alternative to classical prosthetics. We use high-quality implants produced by the best manufacturers in the world. The leading position in this sphere belongs to the Swiss company Straumann.

High attendance of foreign patients made us to implement an integrated approach to dental implantation that includes treatment itself, accommodation ($8 - $25) and transfer.

Why do we consider dental implantation in Belarus being beneficial?

Dental tourism in Belarus is gaining popularity every year. Patients from different countries of Europe and the USA became visiting our country more frequently. Most of them come having recommendations of their friends and even doctors of local clinics. The reason for this is the high level of service and low price. The final cost of dental implantation in Belarus taking into account the costs of accommodation and traveling is at least 5 times lower!

Cost of dental implantation in Belarus

To compile an individual treatment plan with the total cost of dental implantation we expect you to send us a 3D X-ray of your jaw (jaws).

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